In recent years, the practice of private art collecting, whether for investment or personal pleasure, has seen exponential growth. The art market is proliferating with artworks by up and coming trending artists along with more seasoned and rising artists as well timeless masterpieces. 


Whether you have just started navigating the numerous trends of the art world or you are an experienced collector looking for a second professional opinion, AM Advisory  offers one-to-one private consultations to guide you towards identifying the soul of your collection and better narrate the artistic vision that drives your passion for art, while taking care of the forward-looking investment aspect at the same time.



There is always one artist among all the ones we collect and love with whom we feel a special affinity, one with whom we feel understood, so much so that we seem to recognize ourselves and our affections in the characters portrayed. This is one of the conditions that makes us want to get in touch with the artist and be part of our life with his creations. AM strives to create the opportunity for you to work with the artist and to assist you in commissioning an art piece for your private collection or for a site-specific public or private project. We do this by liaising and building trust between us and the artist, and ensuring satisfaction for all parties.
If you have an idea in mind and you wish to commission one of the gallery’s artists, get in touch now.


There is always one artist among all the ones we collect and love with whom we feel a special affinity, one with whom we feel understood, so much so that we seem to recognize ourselves and our affections in the characters portrayed. This is one of the conditions that makes us want to get in touch with the artist and be part of our life with his creations. AM strives to create the opportunity for you to work with the artist and to assist you in commissioning an art piece for your private collection or for a site-specific public or private project. We do this by liaising and building trust between us and the artist, and ensuring satisfaction for all parties.
If you have an idea in mind and you wish to commission one of the gallery’s artists, get in touch now.


It is not unusual for many to start an art collection without having a clear full picture in mind. This often leads to second thoughts and when valuable works have been purchased and to which we are emotionally connected, it is difficult to part with them. Yet sometimes, in order to enjoy a collection to the fullest and to experience it as an exhibition that tells about our taste and our emotions, it is important to be selective.

AM Advisory wishes to offer support to the collector with the selection of the works you have loved and which no longer represent your path as a collector. This is done through a careful evaluation and assistance in the resale of these works with the aim of reallocating them in esteemed collections and at the same time replace them with exciting new masterpieces.


It is often challenging to find a space within your home that will complement your newly acquired artwork. With experience in art-related interior design settings, AM will invite and engage the artist to suggest and create something special to accompany your artwork. With your ideas in mind, we will design the best setting for your paintings or sculptures. From wall decor to furniture, we will curate every single detail to make your masterpiece stand out and create a perfectly balanced Art Room.

Jonathan Viner - Artwork Setting - Alexandra Mazzanti Advisory


It is often challenging to find a space within your home that will complement your newly acquired artwork. With experience in art-related interior design settings, AM will invite and engage the artist to suggest and create something special to accompany your artwork. With your ideas in mind, we will design the best setting for your paintings or sculptures. From wall decor to furniture, we will curate every single detail to make your masterpiece stand out and create a perfectly balanced Art Room.


If you have been collecting art for a long time you must know that your particular choices and the relationships you have created with key art enthusiasts allows you to play an important role in influencing the course contemporary art history. AM advisory recognises this and helps you take your collection one step further by curating your artworks for publication, helping you leave a mark on the contemporary art world.


Traveling abroad far away from our beloved artworks can be challenging especially when we are moving houses and countries frequently. The Artwork Leasing service is thought for art collectors and art lovers who are temporarily renting a house and aim to build a temporary collection that can bring you joy while you are experiencing a life far away from home. 

Artworks can also be offered on leasing for a temporary use in movies and fashion shows. Dorothy Circus Gallery’s artworks have been featured in Juno, The Lost Girls and Fedeltà, an Italian Netflix series (Left Image: artworks by Hyuro and Saner on set of Fedeltà).


Traveling abroad far away from our beloved artworks can be challenging especially when we are moving houses and countries frequently. The Artwork Leasing service is thought for art collectors and art lovers who are temporarily renting a house and aim to build a temporary collection that can bring you joy while you are experiencing a life far away from home. 

Artworks can also be offered on leasing for a temporary use in movies and fashion shows. Dorothy Circus Gallery’s artworks have been priory featured in Juno, The Lost Girls and Fedeltà, an Italian Netflix series (Left Image: artworks by Hyuro and Saner on set of Fedeltà).




35, Connaught St. | W2 2AZ
Tel.: +44(0)755 192 9124


Via dei Pettinari, 76 | 00186
Tel.: +39 (0) 6688 05928